Monday 25 April 2011

Mennonite? Me?

During a friendly game of Dutch Blitz this weekend I endured a bit of family teasing when I was talking about the fact that here where I live, Pepsi is the drink of choice, not Coke.  To add to that, I apparently also said it in a very Mennonite way.  That brought about a discussion of the grammar that I use on this blog, which is, according to them, also Mennonite.  So it then becomes an interesting thought to me, about how we adapt to our surroundings.  Being in the heart of Mennonite territory, surrounded by those who speak low German, have I started to like what everyone else likes, sound like everyone else sounds?  Maybe so, but now that I'm back on this side, not yont szeed(?), I say, 'here's to all who love Pepsi and to all that live where my Mennonite "accent" is no longer an accent, but just how everyone talks.'  And although I love my family dearly, I'm not sure that I can ever drink another Coke without feeling as though I'm betraying my new roots.  So I sound Mennonite?  I'm okay with that.  After all, I am!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so true! When we moved back after being in Alberta for 10 years, it felt like culture shock when I walked into stores and would hear the clerk begin to talk "pluat dietsch" or "hoch deutsch" to the customers! But I am getting more re-acquinted with playing the mennonite game of connections in these towns again too, and it is a bit fun actually:)
