Friday 29 April 2011

'Children can not live on pasta alone'

If our children could choose what to eat every day, we wouldn't have to guess what it would be.  Noodles and Parmesan cheese would be the choice du jour.  We don't know why this seemingly bland selection has so much appeal, as it certainly wasn't anything we encouraged.  We always make sure that they eat some of what we eating along with it, such as meat sauce, or some other pasta sauce, and although there is some complaining about this rule, it doesn't take them long to finish it so they can have plain pasta with Parmesan.  And for Mikaela it doesn't stop there.  She does the same with rice.  She enjoys stir fry, but as soon as the required amount is eaten, she continues with just rice. And Chasadya uses just sour cream as her dip of choice for nachos.  As well, if there's anything that could have sour cream on it, she would do it.  Perogies or potatoes with sour cream is almost as high on the list as noodles.  Tonight I thought I had made enough pasta for both supper and a pasta salad for a gathering tomorrow, but my girls just kept right on going until there was only about a quarter of the amount I needed for the pasta salad left.  Now I will admit to feeling a bit concerned about how this overindulgence will affect their digestive systems(can you say plugged up?), but at the same time, we feel that if they've eaten a decent amount of other food, and that's what they want to fill up on instead of some other dessert, well,  have at it.  After dishing up the umpteenth serving to both girls Stan and I just shake our heads. This is one thing we can say they don't come by honestly. 

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