Thursday 21 April 2011


I am so frustrated with myself.  This week I was doing so good with what I was eating, and I felt good, and the scale was looking pretty good.  So why do I always ruin it for myself?  I keep track of what I eat and how much I exercise on a program, so it calculates everything out in terms of calories earned by exercise and subtracts calories consumed.  I do this because I was at a plateau and needed to step things up a bit.  Exercise is no big deal for me.  Its just a part of my day and I've been doing really well since October, mostly on the elliptical, but some other stuff at times.  30 minutes a day is no problem.  The difficulty is in eating good.  Thus, the challenge, and the new program, which I've been doing about a month.  But invariably after a few good days of eating healthy, I blow it with a pig out meal, usually at some fast food restaurant.  And I know that as I order, I'm going to regret my decision, but I give in anyway.  So today I went for my first run outside this year, and didn't do nearly as well as I had hoped, but I still did 2.5 miles in 22 minutes.  Not bad.  The scale was finally back down where I wanted it to be after a couple weeks of being slightly elevated.  And what  do I do?  I consume over 1000 calories on a meal at DQ.  That's almost a whole days worth in one meal.  I read in a weight loss magazine "you ate it, negate it".  So I think it calls for a bit more workout today, probably  a bike ride with the kids in the trailer.  Obsessive?  Maybe.  But I don't want to lose the momentum I've had this week, so for today that means a bit more exercise, and a low calorie supper.  The  thing with knowing how many calories I consume, is that I also know what I need to do in order to see results.  I can no longer plead ignorance saying" I don't know why I'm not losing weight- I exercise all the time."  Its been a good thing for me to see how my decisions in what I eat have such an impact on the big picture.  So yes, today I disappointed myself, but its not too late to do something about it.


  1. Keep at it, Rhonda! It's a constant battle, and it always will be. So I try to not beat myself up about my mistakes too badly. I know that I will be battling "the last 10 pounds" back and forth for the rest of my life. Just keep doing what you're doing -- and allowing yourself indulgences from time to time!

  2. I had felt like I plateaued a while back too, and then found an article talking more about doing "interval training" when you hit plateaus and changing up your exercise program every couple of weeks (ie. cross training). That was a good reminder for me...hope things are going well for you:)

  3. You're good, OK? I do agonize, though, at how you feel guilty about eating what you want to. One passage that is a real encouragement to me is from Psalm 92! And it actually talks about being fat! And flourishing! "Those that be planted in the house of the LORD, or Jehovah, shall FLOURISH in the courts of our God..." (Here is the part I really like) "... THEY SHALL STILL BRING FORTH FRUIT IN OLD AGE! THEY SHALL BE FAT AND FLOURISHING! To shew that the LORD, or Jehovah, is upright - he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him."

    Also: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah? In Babylon? Didn't want the kings meat and wine? Asked for pulse and water, and got it? They were found to be... (here is comes!) "FAT-FLESHED!" And it was a good thing!

    So, what am I saying? (...Wait! I have to open my mouth to change feet, here!...) I am saying that if you think "fat" is bad, then what are you going to do when you (even "ye", seeing there are two of "you") conceive those TWINS I am believing for, for you! Starve yourself and them (i.e. the babIES)? No way, sister! Live large, eat fell, and go right AHEAD and be "FAT AND FLOURISHING!" Of course, I acknowledge the risk I am taking, and the limb I am going out on - but without faith it is impossible to please him, so I am having some! "Yea!" :)
