Saturday 14 May 2011

One plus One Equals 5

I may need to update my photo soon as it will soon be a misrepresentation.  And why would that be?  Well, I don't look quite as slim as my photo suggests, as I've been eating a little more lately.  However, that isn't the only reason my stomach has been showing a difference.  Yeah, you guessed it.  WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!  Our family will soon be one person bigger.  No, we didn't know when we changed the girls rooms around.  And we were just about to go to a natural health clinic to see what they would recommend.  God's timing is great, looking at it from this side of it.  Its incredibly difficult to go through it  and we question everything, including timing, but its so easy to see the good now.  I'll have half a year of Chasadya in kindergarten, so we'll be able to get all the kinks worked out.  I'll also have half a year of her being in school to spend with Mikaela, which I think will be a really good thing for her.  Our baby is due beginning of January, and so that's going to be different as I've never had a winter baby before.  It still feels a bit unreal that after waiting almost 2 years for news like this, that its actually happening, but my body is very quickly making it real, as I'm already not able to hide it.  I look like I did at 3 months along with Chasadya, and I'm only 6 weeks.  Seeing as my sister has all my maternity clothes(she's 2 months ahead of me), I'm quickly running out of options in the wardrobe department, and I was hoping to get through a bit of the summer with my old clothes.  That seems increasingly unlikely, which I suppose is normal for a third pregnancy.  It is the reason that we are making it known to the general public, not just family and close friends, already.  Now that garage sale stuff is done, I'll be posting more often again, and I intend to share a bit about the girls reactions and so on.  For now, though, I need to get my girls out of the tub and dressed for bed.  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!!!!! That's so exciting. :)

    I found having a winter baby to be quite the challenge (Emmett was born in December), but then by the time spring arrives, you got the worst part behind you and you can enjoy the warmer weather more because you're not so sleep-deprived!

    I got rid of most of my summer-y maternity clothes already, but I do have a few winter things kicking around still (I was going to bring them to a consignment shop by fall), if you need anything. Just let me know.
