Friday 13 May 2011

Garage Sale Madness

So, those that follow this blog will have noticed I haven't been writing for a while.  One of the reasons for this is garage sale season, and more specifically, the one my friends and I have been working on together.  My friend and her family are moving this summer to attend seminary in Kentucky, so she needed to put on a garage  sale, and instead of doing one separately at my house, I, and a few other friends, decided to  combine our efforts and have it all at one time.  However, we didn't realize what we were getting into, as more and more stuff arrived and the garage got fuller and fuller.  Now to be fair, its not all our stuff, as we received many donations, but I alone filled our van and car with boxes and bags, plus two truck fulls of furniture.  That has meant many hours spent at her house getting ready this week.  Four of us spent a morning there last week and this week its been a bit more sporadic with everyone else, but I have been there every day, all day, except for 2 hours on Monday, and this afternoon.  I actually only spent one day on pricing my stuff, and the rest of the time helping my friend price and organize.  Needless to say, its been a long week, and we still have tomorrow to sell and clean up.  Through it all, my kids have been amazing.  I've tried not to have them there with me all day, but they have been there for part of the day every day.  That's why we are at home this afternoon.  They and I needed a bit of time at home.  The laundry has piled up, and meals this week have been atrocious, and sometimes you just need some time at home.  We've also been freezing these last few days.  The mitts we were going to sell, we took off the table and wore them instead.  Three layers of sweaters had us considering the winter jackets on our rack.  Certainly not the weather we expected for middle of May.  However, although the weather may have meant less sales as people weren't anxious to stand and browse like they may have otherwise, we have been pleased with the results.  Hopefully it will cover the cost of my last garage sale/shopping trip! 

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